LANGUAGE.RAU NameSorry, 300 baud callers are not permitted to call at this time+** Sysop Remote Access has been disabled ** Incorrect, try again. Access denied! Leave a message to the sysopYFSorry, but your access to this system has been suspended by the sysop. System event in$your time limit has been adjusted to minutes Check for waiting mailY Check for new filesN"Your current password has expired!EFor security purposes, you are required to change your password every times you call%File to move/copy (wildcards valid): ,You can't use the same password! Try again..#Your password must contain at least characters not found! Full destination path: #Can't copy a file on top of itself! Error opening source file.. Unable to create target file.. Error occurred during copy.. Would you like a return receiptN K (K)eyword in text"Invalid choice, please try again: "Please enter a number in the range Password: Number: Number entered: Is this correctY7Sorry, daily time limit exceeded -- call back tomorrow. WARNING -- Time remaining:** User Inactivity Timeout, Disconnecting *0You are about to be disconnected for inactivity! YN= More(Y/n/=)? Sysop breaking in for a chat: No user on-line! Sysop chat mode ended Please wait a moment.. Thanks for waiting. ** LOCKING OUT USER ** ** SECURITY LOCK-OUT COMPLETE ** Top menu missing, disconnecting. ERROR - Menu missing: System contains messages ranging#Enter number of message to delete: There is no message number in this area Deleting message # You cannot delete that message.>Sorry, you do not have sufficient credit for this destination. Could not find nodeH? to list zones, z:? to list nets in zone z, n/? to list nodes in net n. Available zonesN Number Name Location Cost Nets/regions in zone Nodes in Sorry, there is no listed3Sorry, nodelist help is not available at this time. Region Node'Choose a user (enter the line number): &Sorry, there isn't anyone on that line doesn't wish to be disturbed. Sysop Override : Send anywayY Message to Aborted. Processing... Message sent/Sorry, but you may only page for a chat between#Sorry, you may only page for a chat times per call.*Why would you like to chat with the sysop?0Sorry, but the sysop is not currently available.ASorry, this password is unacceptable. Please try something else..DYou must select a password that is less similar to your current one!ISDQ Would you like to (S)elect, (D)e-Select all message areas or (Q)uit? /Verify that you would like to make this changeN Attach local filesYGEnter full path and file names to send, 1 per line (blank line to end): File: Sent: Could not find!Enter message area(s) to toggle: Data file not present File to view (Enter=quit): )Cannot locate any files for this message! Files attached to this message: Directory to move files to: Moving files..FCheck that you have all the files safely. Okay to kill the files hereN Killing the attached files.. AVATAR codes now active AVATAR codes will NOT be used Todays Callers toEName Line BaudRate LogOn LogOff Times Location Quiet mode2Sorry, but the full screen editor is not installedFWARNING! The full screen editor requires that you have ANSI capability=The full screen message editor will be used to enter messages.The line editor will be used to enter messages4Sorry, ANSI graphics are not available at this speed ANSI/Colour graphics now active%ANSI/Colour graphics will NOT be used HotKeys active HotKeys disabled Page Pausing"Full screen message reader enabled#Full screen message reader disabled Current time : Current date : Connect time : Time used today : Session time left : Daily time limit : Screen clear codes WILL be sent#Screen clear codes will NOT be sent Midnight Line%Percentage of hourly system usage for7Enter Username search string or (Enter) for all users: MName Location LastOn Calls Ratio$is not a listed user of this system.!Enter new user security-level for File to view: "Sorry, couldn't locate that file.. Callers On-Line toBName Line BaudRate Status Location Browsing File Xfer Messages Sysop Chat Quest'naire Free : bytes Using: /There is not enough free space for your upload!;Start sending now, or press several times to abort File to upload: 'Sorry, but you may not upload that file%Sorry, that file already exists here. Files Received File Received No Files Received You have been granted an extraNNOTE - One or more of your files was rejected because they already exist here.LNOTE - One or more of your files was rejected because they are unacceptable.:Begin description with a "/" if file is for the sysop only Please describe5Sorry, file transfers are not permitted at this speed File(s) to download: JSorry, but the protocol you have selected does not support batch transfers daily time limit*Sorry, but this download would exceed your k daily limit ratio limitISLNA (S)tart transfer, (L)ogoff after transfer, (N)ew protocol, (A)bort: Files: Size : Time : minutes at BPS=Start receiving now, or press several times to abort Files sent File sent No files sentNAuto logoff in ten seconds: Press "!" to disconnect now, "S" to stop countdown&File to download (full path & name) : No files to send!LSorry, only the first six listed protocols are available for message upload. One moment..&(*) indicates batch transfer available Protocol (Enter=quit): (Free) Incorrect Accepted)Sorry, downloads are only allowed between)* NODELIST BROWSING * (blank line quits): ? to list all zones z:? to list nets in zone z n/? to list nodes in net n Password change successful characters! Try again...You must enter both your first and last names! Screen length changed to File Areas: Message Areas: That area does not exist! Combined,File name pattern match (Enter=all files) : File Name Size Date files Select area: !Enter keyword to use for search: File Search by Keyword; Press P to Pause, S to Stop*Search Config File not installed, aborting/Enter the file name to find (wildcards valid): File Search by Name; Archive to view: Unknown archive type! Listing of archive4Filename Original Size Ratio Date Time MISSING*Search for files new since your last callY Show all files newer than File Search by Date; Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Press (Enter) to continue: Checking your mail-box ... &You have no new mail in your mail-box. You have the following mail: message messages R Read S Scan mail Q Quickscan mail K Killing mail.. M Marking as received.. Help&Would you like to read this mail now? 8Are you sure you wish to kill all mail addressed to youN There is no message text! Delete starting at line # Delete ending at line # Enter line # to edit Maximum length exceeded!&Enter line # to insert new text before Enter line # to adjust Line currently reads: Text to replace : Replacement text: Line now reads:KBegin your message now. Words are wrapped automatically, blank line to end. Maximum of lines characters per line Functions available: lines in text D Delete E Edit line R Replace I Insert H Help C Continue L List text S Save Q Quit Select: Are you sureN Send files with this messageN Saving message to disk.. Subject: Enter the name to use : Verifying user ... "You can't use another user's name!$You can't use that name, try another To : >That is not a valid user of this system. Browse the user-listYANSI graphics are required for the full screen editor. Use itN%Automatic message forwarding disabled$Automatic message forwarding enabled-User not found. Try again, or (Enter) to quit&Nominate a user to receive your mail: 6This message has files attached. Forward them as wellY Nobody Local upload. That file already exists here! That file may not be uploaded./archive contains encrypted files, or a comment. Local download. Could not copy on node ***MESSAGE*** from:Invalid date. Please make sure you use the correct format.AThis conference is read-only - you may only use netmail to reply.MOriginal message does not contain sufficient information for a netmail reply. Message-base is in use. RetryY DeleteN Deleted*Show extended information (N=normal list)N1Name Private Moderator Description Name : password= requires password Private : Moderator : Parent : Language : Nodes : Description : +Users currently participating in conference (Read Only) (read-only access) start typing to send a message!This conference no longer exists!DYour access to this conference has been terminated by the moderator. has entered the conference. Conference ESCAPE or CTRL-X for help moderator'Sorry, help is not currently available. No active conferences. Returning to Change moderator to: Remove which user: $That user is not in this conference!-You only have read access to this conference! Request to join conference from AuthoriseY Read-onlyNEThis conference has been terminated by the system operator/moderator. has left the conference. Create a real-time conference. Conference name: /Conference already exists, select another name.MCDESQ (M)ove, (C)opy, (D)elete, (E)dit desc, (S)kip, (Q)uit: File-base is in use. RetryY Password-protect this fileN"already exists in the target area!,One moment, transferring files from CD-ROM../DC (D)elete or (C)lear all (Enter to continue):(has just posted a message to you in area Default protocol: -Select your preferred file transfer protocol:/SNA (S)tart transfer, (N)ew protocol, (A)bort: *Echomail in a mailbox scan will be ignored,Echomail in a mailbox scan will be displayed Scan your uploads nowY$Please wait, scanning your uploads.. Passed. Failed virus check.(One moment, fetching file descriptions.."Send carbon copies to other usersN File is a GIF: colours.6Sorry, but as a GUEST you may not change this setting. Continue the searchN Invalid group number! File groups: Select group: Unable to access file: "Show EchoMail in a mail-box checkY Keyword"Enter message text search string: Unknown Female)MF What is your sex? (M)ale or (F)emale: ,Please enter your mailing address (3 lines): Message groups:)No mailing address information on record!*Your mailing address is listed as follows: Change your mailing addressN Original Enter thread Internet NewsgroupJSorry, this file is not currently available for viewing. Please try later.)Mailbox scan will check ALL message areas+Mailbox scan will check ONLY SELECTED areas1That is not a valid Internet address. Try again..)You have files tagged! Disconnect anywayN Scanning messages, please wait..%You are currently in teleconference: 6Press ESC or CTRL-X for help, or start typing to chat.=Time limit for your current session is up! Please call back..U Select colour 6 Y[+ Save changes (Y/n) ? U Default Find: Not foundU Info MEnter-Edit Esc-Exit KEnter-Edit Esc-Exit ALT: C-Change colour D-Copy default F-Find I-InfoU KEnter-Edit Esc-Exit ALT: C-Change colour D-Copy default F-Find I-InfoM U B*BFBbB~B C&CBC^CzC D"D>DZDvD E:EVErE F6FRFnF G2GNGjG H.HJHfH I*IFIbI~I J&JBJ^JzJ K"K>KZKvK L:LVLrL M6MRMnM N2NNNjN O.OJOfO P*PFPbP~P Q&QBQ^QzQ R"R>RZRvR S:SVSrS T6TRTnT U2UNUjU V.VJVfV W*WFWbW~W X&XBX^XzX Y"Y>YZYvY Z:ZVZrZ [6[R[n[ \2\N\j\ ].]J]f] ^*^F^b^~^ _&_B_^_z_ `"`>`Z`v` a:aVara b6bRbnb c2cNcjc d.dJdfd e*eFebe~e f&fBf^fzf g"g>gZgvg h:hVhrh i6iRini j2jNjjj k.kJkfk l*lFlbl~l m&mBm^mzm n"n>nZnvn o:oVoro p6pRpnp q2qNqjq r.rJrfr s*sFsbs~s t&tBt^tzt u"u>uZuvu v:vVvrv w6wRwnw x2xNxjx y.yJyfy z*zFzbz~z {&{B{^{z{ |"|>|Z|v| }:}V}r} ~6~R~n~ 00:00 24:00 \RA\MENUS\ \RA\TXTFILES\ RA.LOG RemoteAccess BBS Default Origin Line SysOp Please enter your full name: '* In a message originally to @, # said: ATH0S0=0M0| ATH1| CONNECT| CONNECT 1200 CONNECT 2400 CONNECT 4800 CONNECT 9600 CONNECT 19200 CONNECT 38400 CONNECT 7200 CONNECT 12000 CONNECT 14400 CONNECT 16800 CONNECT FAX CONNECT 21600 CONNECT 24000 CONNECT 26400 CONNECT 28800 CONNECT 57600 CONNECT 64000 [0E% [0D# [0A@` Available languages: * Select your preferred language: CONNECT 31200 CONNECT 33600U 00:00 01-01-80 03:00U [Unused] Not available Available Error free U Internal protocols 9Always available, not available, error-free connects only Xmodem Xmodem/1K Xmodem/1K-g Ymodem Ymodem-g Zmodem U External protocol Name Name of this protocol Key %Hotkey to activate from protocol menu Ext ctl file ?Does the protocol support the standard protocol interface file? Batch *Does the protocol support batch transfers? Not available Always available Error free Status ?Available, not available, available on error-free connects only Log file 7Full path and name of the log file this protocol writes Control file :Full path and name of the control file this protocol reads DL command line 6DOS command-line to activate protocol in download mode UL command line 4DOS command-line to activate protocol in upload mode DL ctl string 9Format (in the control file) of a download filename entry UL ctl string 8Format (in the control file) of an upload filename entry DL log keyword CKeyword to look for in the log file which indicates a file download UL log keyword AKeyword to look for in the log file which indicates a file upload Log name word Event # Time Status Errorlevel Forced Days:SMTWTFS Enabled Disabled Yes No U 1 F V ` n !0!I!b!r!|! "*"="M"l"z" #-#=#\#j#}# $L$\$f$p$~$ %O%r% 'X'{' (0(e( )8)m) *8*L*}* +@+J+|+ +C,m,{, - -3-T-b-h- .1.K.e. 1$121B1G1X1 202C2V2i2 3$3<3Z3h3r3 5+5[5x5 6*686H6R6`6 7*7:7D7R7 8,868D8z8 9(9q: ;8;H;b;p; <&<4F?T?Z?p? A=ATA BOBeBoByB CJCgC D D=DGDQDlD E"E?EIESE]ExE F3FKFUFZFnF Never Weekly Monthly Yearly U Edit Security Security level for this entry Time Daily time limit 300 Download limit (k) for 300 bps 1200 Download limit (k) for 1200 bps 2400 Download limit (k) for 2400 bps 4800 Download limit (k) for 4800 bps 7200 Download limit (k) for 7200 bps 9600 Download limit (k) for 9600 bps 12000 Download limit (k) for 12000 bps 14400 Download limit (k) for 14400 bps 16800 Download limit (k) for 16800 bps 19200 Download limit (k) for 19200 bps 21600 Download limit (k) for 21600 bps 24000 Download limit (k) for 24000 bps 26400 Download limit (k) for 26400 bps 28800 Download limit (k) for 28800 bps 31200 Download limit (k) for 31200 bps 33600 Download limit (k) for 33600 bps 38400 Download limit (k) for 38400 bps 57600 Download limit (k) for 57600 bps 64000 Download limit (k) for 64000 bps Local &Download limit (k) for a local session RatioNum &Download ratio limit (number of files) RatioK Download ratio limit (k) PerMin -Per minute logon cost (deducted from credits) FlexTime 8Credits to deduct per minute after timelimit is exceeded Session *Maximum time limit PER SESSION (0=Disable) Reset How often to reset credits ResetOfs 2When to reset credits in above period (day number) ResetAmt (Credit amount to adjust users account by LIMITS.RA Select a security level 3 Level Time 1200 2400 9600 14400 16800 R# RK 4 _ m { - H Y U 6 Y[+ Messages to operator General public messages Members onlyU General files GENFILESU +ERROR: Area/Group number is already in use!U IDX\FDB HDR\FDB TXT\FDB .TXTU 4Unable to rename FDB; Area number is already in use!U Local Imail [Unused] FGROUPS.RA [Unused] [Unused] [Unused] Addresses Select an alias (AKA) addressU Template for global changes Message area (F1) to edit area number Name Name of this message area Origin !Origin line for this message area Read security A flag B flag C flag D flag ASecurity and flag settings required to read messages in this area Write security BSecurity and flag settings required to write messages in this area Sysop security GSecurity and flag settings required to perform maintenance on this area Local Netmail Echomail Internet Newsgroup Type /Local, EchoMail, NetMail, Internet or Newsgroup Pvt/Pub Private Public Read-only No-reply Status ?Private/public, private only, public only or read-only messages Pick an alias Handles only Real names only Users >User names - Real names only, handles only or ask for an alias Days old #Number of days to keep old messages Days rcvd (Number of days to keep received messages Max msgs "Maximum number of messages to keep Echoinfo +Append an origin line to outbound messages? Combined ,Permit combined access to this message area? Attaches )Permit users to attach files to messages? SoftCRs 0Treat SoftCRs as normal characters in this area? Deletes -Permit users to delete messages in this area? AKA @Alias (AKA) address to append to the origin line (EchoMail only) Age (Minimum age required to access this area Group %Primary message group this area is in JAM Hudson Area type Area type (JAM or Hudson) JAMbase 'Full path and base filename of JAM area5Board 7Hudson message board number (1-200); Press (F1) to edit AltGroup1 *Secondary group to which this area belongs AltGroup2 AltGroup3 AllGroups /"Yes" means this area will appear in all groups NetReply 9Area in which to post netmail replies (0=first available) Message area U Z<%u2 $<&u One moment, re-indexing.. LINKBUF.RA LINKNEW.RA 6 Y[+ Working.. U PSelect move/copy insertion point U MESSAGES.RA Message areas KEnter-Edit Space-Tag (INS)ert (DEL)ete (Alt-C)opy (Alt-M)ove (Alt-G)lobal Confirm delete (y/n) ? Apply changes (y/n) ? MESSAGES.RA Toggle combined default U Archivers :Select an archive format; ENTER to accept, ESCAPE to clearU 'Kill the file database as well (y/n) ? IDX\FDB HDR\FDB TXT\FDB .TXTU Template for global changes File area (F1) to edit area number Name Name of this file area Path 'Full path to where the files are stored DL security A flag B flag C flag D flag >Security and flag settings required to download from this area List security >Security and flag settings required to list files in this area UL security BSecurity and flag settings required to upload files into this area No New 'Include this area in a new files check? Dupes &Check this area for upload duplicates? CD-ROM Is this area on a CD-ROM drive? Free +"Yes" means all files in this area are FREE LongDesc :Permit users to enter multi-line upload file descriptions? DirectDL 8Permit users to download files not in the file database? PwdUL 1N1X1b1p1 2)2>2N2X2f2 383=3K3^3x3 4;4Y4i4s4}4 595N5^5h5v5 6%6B6^6n6x6 747D7N7X7f7 8'818?8\8u8 9D9V9z9 :9:Z: ;0;Q;r; ; =K=t= ?-?5?:?M?S? ?N@g@l@ @6ATA C0C8C=CPCVC E%EAEIENEaEgE F,FHFYFiF G G%G2GFGVGkGyG G H=HcHrH I%InI J#J(J=JNJ U=UYUqU UdV|V X@XqX Y'Y@YNYZYzY ZHZTZ`ZqZvZ [#\M\Y\e\v\{\ ]m]w] ^$^.^B^Q^ _$_)_<_t_ _"`.`F`M`a`k`|` a,a1aBaia a'bCb]bqb c(c4cEcJc^cccpc d d*d=dBdLdQdfdpd k0lJltl m)mFmTmZmym m;nKnbngnun o(o-o;ozo p)pGpYpcp q$q2qqq r r>rPrZrxr s)shsvs t5tGtQtot u)uFuhu}u v$vAvfv{v w"w?wdwyw x x=xbxwx y,yIyeyuy z;zKzUz_zmz {#{1{N{^{t{y{ |4|9|C|Q|n|~| }.}>}T}Y}c}q} ~#~3~=~K~h~ Save changes (Y/n) ? U P < U Menu Action Groups Pick a menu to edit *.MNUC ERROR : Check your menu path in RACONFIG and make sure it exists!U Save Menu (menu has been modified) Press [Esc] to abort. Name of menu to save: .MNUU < Any key to return > * Automatic Any ANSI RIP U Select ANSI AVT RIP &Press SPACE or ENTER to toggle settingU D (SPACE) tag, (ALT-U/T) un/tag all, (ENTER) or (ESCAPE) to continue U Select day/time Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ,Time period during which option is availableU Edit Menu Item K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 K123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 Colour example Action (Type )&What will happen when item is selected Display 8Text which is displayed for this option before selection OptData Optional data HotKey Key to activate this option AutoExec ;"Yes" means that this option will be automatically executed Colour "Colour used to display this option MinSec 7Minimum security level required to activate this option MaxSec >Maximum security level allowed to activate this option (0=any) A flags 0A flags setting required to activate this option B flags 0B flags setting required to activate this option C flags 0C flags setting required to activate this option D flags 0D flags setting required to activate this option TimeUsed JMinimum amount of time limit that must be used before option is selectable TimeLeft :Minimum amount of time left required to select this option Age $Minimum age required for this option MinSpeed =Minimum connect speed required to make this option selectable MaxSpeed DMaximum connect speed allowed to make this option selectable (0=any) Credit BCredit required to select this option, 0=don't care (not deducted) FlatCost ?Number of credits deducted from account when option is selected TimeCost LNumber of credits deducted from account per minute until menu is redisplayed Terminal GUser must have ONE OR MORE of these emulations enabled to select option Nodes 'Nodes on which this option is available Groups -User groups to which this option is available DayTimes 'Days and times this option is available Select nodes Select groups U < r=< Edit Menu Settings Menu prompt-What will be displayed at the end of the menu Prompt colour Colour to display prompt in Hilight colour )Colour to display hilighted characters in Suppress=Yes=Suppress all hard-coded CR/LF and colour change sequences Global menu3No=Don't append global menu (GLOBALRA) to this menu Prompt example Hilight example LANGUAGE.RA Language 3No menu path for this language - using default path NONAME.MNUU PEnter-Edit Ins-Insert Del-Delete Esc-Exit LALT: L-Load S-Save P-Prompt D-Display N-Language NONAME.MNUU Select: NONAME.MNUU 2 D " C H R s x !+!0!:!\!a!o! !4"C"H" )(*-*<*`*t* +:+S+c+~+ -6-;-E-q-v- .-.=.R.`.s. /&/4/G/W/x/ 0*0=0M0n0|0 1*1=1M1f1k1u1 2#212D2T2k2p2z2 3(363I3Y3q3 4;4`4 5'5P5 676d6 627Y7 90:5:=:L:h:m:|: ;,;1;6; <8@>c>h> ?$?5? @%@/@4@G@L@q@}@ A(AmArA B)BIB CPCbClCqCzC D'D8DNDXDwD E>E\E F;FnF G)GcGuG G-H?HIHNH IMIjI J&J;JuJ J KMK^KnKsK MBMLM[M~M Save changes (Y/n) ? COM2U COM2U Printer !Select your printer configurationU Colours Text Default text colour Statbar Status bar colour Hilight Window highlight colour Window Popup window text colour Border Popup window border colour Hiprompt Prompt highlight colour CRprompt0Colour for the 'Press Return to continue' prompt Input 4Colour for highlight input fields (black to disable) Tag *Colour to display tag numbers in file listU {< uw Paging Duration "Duration of page bell (in seconds) Max number 0Maximum number of times a user may page per call Ask why !Ask the user for a paging reason? Sysop msgs AArea to post a msg in if the page was not answered (0 to disable) External 3DOS command line to invoke an external chat utility Suspend Suspend user's time during chat? Auto log $Open chat capture log automatically? Paging start/end times External chat utility U Display Monochrome =Set this option to Yes if the system has a monochrome display Direct write Use fast direct screen writes? Snow check %Set to Yes to eliminate screen 'snow' Auto 25 43/50 Display lines *Switch the screen length, or leave on AutoU ALT function key manager 3Enter a DOS command-line, #Textfile, or ?ErrorlevelU System Fast logons Permit local fast sysop logons? Check multi ECheck that a user does not log on to more than 1 node simultaneously? Remote sysop -Allow the system operator to log in remotely? Exclude sysop +Exclude the system operator from userlists? Text shells Allow shelling from text files? Expanded Compact Log style Type of logging Multi node Running a multi-node system? Auto-detect AT BIOS DoubleDOS DESQview TopView MultiLink PC-MOS/386 MS-Windows OS/2 Environment JAT BIOS, DoubleDOS, DESQview, TopView, MultiLink, PC-MOS, MS-Windows, OS/2 Screen blank ENumber of seconds to blank the screen after inactivity (0 to disable) After msgs ?Seconds to pause after system messages (0 = wait for Enter key) ALT-J swap (Swap to disk/EMS for jump to DOS (ALT-J) Use XMS Use XMS for swap storage Use EMS Use EMS for swap storage Save password JYes=Users passwords will be stored as text. No=Passwords will be encrypted IEMSI Enable Interactive EMSI? Pwd echo *Character to echo when password is entered Auto ANSI/RIP 9Attempt to auto-detect remote user's ANSI/RIP capability? Pwd tries 7Number of password attempts before user is disconnected Pwd change 2Number of calls before a password change is forced Pwd strict Strict password checking? Pwd length Minimum password length Logon time AMaximum time allowed to complete the new user procedure (minutes) User timeout ?Maximum inactivity period before user is disconnected (seconds) Watchdog area GMsg area to post password violation warnings to users in (0 to disable) Sysop area @Msg area for users to post to the sysop after a password failure Check DOB Allow users to reply to echomail messages via private netmail? Net.killsent Kill netmail after sent? Confirm delete $Ask for message delete confirmation? Net.crash opt %Security level for optional crashmail Net.crash force !Security level to force crashmail Net.attach ;Security level required to attach files to netmail messages Group mail 2Security level required to generate group messages CC mail 4Security level required to send carbon copy messages Return receipts 2Security level required to request return receipts Net.receipts 'Honour netmail return receipt requests? Quote string External editor command-line Default origin line Reply header text U Fail action Delete 1"Yes" means that files which fail will be deleted Unlisted <"Yes" means that files which fail will be marked as unlisted Notavail A"Yes" means that files which fail will be marked as not available Move to Area to move failed files toU Delete Unlisted /unavailable /move to NoneU Upload scanning Scan online )L)_)o) *(*6*I*h* +2+B+[+i+|+ ,+,;,E,S,f,v, -+-9-L-\-v-{- .%.8.H.b.g.u. /(/8/Q/_/r/ 4'6{6 7.7>7S7X7f7y7 7S8n8 9+9m9 ;Y;^;r;w; <#<(*>1> BJC